U.S – Mexico border: business potential for Israeli companies

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לעברית לחץ כאן

10281408_sCriticism about the sensors deployed along the u.s – Mexico border may open business opportunities for Israeli companies. One of the main security components along the U.S.-Mexico border is a system of 12,000 aging ground sensors. These sensors, however, cannot distinguish between human beings trying to cross the border, a grazing cow, or a pack of javelin – the wild boar that roams this area along the Rio Grande. 

According the HLS news wire website the u.s department of homeland security (DHS) has so far spent billions on trying to find a technology which would better secure the border.

The question raised now in the u.s is why DHS has not adopted a proven system of sophisticated ground sensors, like the one which the U.S. Army has successfully deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

New border sensors were not forthcoming in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004.  In 2005 a GAO report documented that the current system of 12,000 aging border sensors was only correct in identifying human offenders in 4 percent of all cases; 34 percent of the time the sensors reported false alarms, while it was not determined what the origins were of 62 percent of sensor alarms

Iraeli companies have developed a line of sensors that are deployed along the Israeli vorders and now may raise interest in the us. If the budget will allow new sensors.
