Egozi’s Fury – Iraq

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18315594_m egozi featureThere is a new scientific theory in Israel these past few weeks. In a situation of multiple terrorist attacks accompanied by weakness / confusion, inaction, they can no longer tell things are bad. How do I know? Here’s the scientific proof: when the images of IDF soldiers standing near and in their posts under attack of Molotov cocktails, Israel’s leadership care very little; when rather than deal with terror, they erect cement blocks; when a senior minister says the government – of which he is a member – has no right to exist, yet he continues to stay on, when all of this is happening, and at the same time, the public does not realize are leaders have become inept. This calls for a Nobel Prize. I wonder who is going to receive it.


Farce, tragedy, black comedy, good prank. Name the so-called “US war on ISIL” as you wish. US President Barak Obama approved deploying up to 1500 additional US servicemen in Iraq in order to support the Iraqi and Kurdish forces there and advise them in the war against ISIS.

Obama even authorized US teams to conduct training missions in Iraqi Army installations outside Baghdad as well as in Irbil, Northern Iraq. Earlier today, the Pentagon announced the US Army will establish several training sites across Iraq and that their locations would be finalized in the coming weeks.

The US is doing everything except actually fight this dangerous terrorist organization. They send planes to stage bombings for show. They are sending military advisors to an army that doesn’t exist. This is no way to fight terror. This is a joke of the worst kind. But the US has already proven they just do not want to get it.


Israel HLS

Leaders of Iran, my hat is off to you. How come? Not because they are so sophisticated, but rather for having identified the extent of the world’s folly, and how easy it is to pull the wool over the world’s eyes and get praised for it.

A report by the International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran is yet to provide the info concerning two issues related to its nuclear program. Two months after the deadline to do so. Both issues are associated with the studies Iran is conducting ahead of developing its own atomic bomb.

Secretary of State John Kerry, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Catherin Ashton, the EU official in charge of the negotiations with Iran concerning its nuclear program, are scheduled to meet later today in Oman. They will attempt to conclude a final agreement ahead of the November 24 deadline. The US and the other five powers involved in the talks have already announced in the past there will be no permanent agreement unless Iran produces an adequate answer to the issues the IAEA raised. Deadline or not, Iran will be in possession of nuclear arms courtesy of the world’s stupidity.


This is how allies behave. US President Barak Obama sent a secret message to Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, saying both countries share a joint interest in fighting ISIL in Iraq and in Syria. I can hear the Iranians laughing out light all the way from Teheran.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting the message, which was relayed to Teheran in the middle of last month, emphasizes that cooperation against ISIL rests upon reaching an agreement with the six powers concerning Iran’s nuclear program. According to WSJ, the Whitehouse did not update Israel, nor Saudi Arabia or the UAE about his message to Iran.

Did not update? Hardly surprising. Despite all the niceties, Jerusalem has long ago ceased entertaining any hopes the US would deal with ISIL.

Arie Egozi iHLS editor-in-chief
Arie Egozi
iHLS editor-in-chief