Iron Dome – only part of the solution

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IRON DOME 5The big success of the Iron Dome is very impressive but after 17 days rockets are still launched against Israeli population.

There is no doubt. The problem Israel is facing may seem “local” to many observers but the fact is that it is far from that. The problem is shared by many countries, but some prefer at present to look the other way.

The problem is simple to define, not so easy to solve- many terror organizations have come to the very logical conclusion that rockets, some of them “homemade” and missiles of many types, can paralyze a country and put its armed forces in a very tough position.

Iron dome has achieved a 90 % intercept rate. But the attacks cause a great disturbance to the everyday life of millions of people.

The fact that most of the rockets are met in the sky by the iron dome interceptors is not enough.

The Israeli defense forces (IDF) has huge achievements in Gaza but as the fighting is performed with great caution in order not to hurt the uninvolved, the problem is still big.

This will require a new thinking that must lead to a way that will enable the IDF to stop such massive launching of rockets.

Israel in the past proved that ingenuity in israel is in many places. There must be a unified effort as it is not the last time that rockets will disrupt our everyday life