Libya may become a new “exporter” of terror

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26339692_sAs Gaza takes the Focus of the World Libya Undergoes Extreme Violence and Fighting

Radical Islamist groups are taking over Libya and could start to initiate terrorist attacks against Israeli targets, that’s according to sources in Israel.

Because of the events taking place in Israel the attention has been deflected off of Libya but this is where matters are taking a serious turn.

A Libyan government spokesman has announced that90% of the aircraft parked at the airport inTripoli have been destroyed by an armed organization. Against the background of fierce battles between extremist militias in Libya, the UN has called on its           employees  to leave Libya.

It has been reported that on Sunday at least fifteen people were killed in clashes in Tripoli and Benghazi in the East of Libya. The control tower at the airport in Tripoli was hit Monday by Grad missiles.

One of the sources said that “The government is considering asking for help from international forces,”

Three years have passed since the fall of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi and the country is in a state of chaos.

The government is weak and the new army cannot subdue the rebel groups and militias who are fighting among themselves over political and economic power.

He went on to say that “Libya could also be turned into a base for  terror activities against Israel,” said one source.