Iran Develops Hydrogen Bombs

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9368297_m featureBy Ami Dor-On

According to Iranian nuclear researchers the U.S. doesn’t want them to develop “normal” atomic weapons, and the current nuclear talks only involve those. As for hydrogen, the U.S. never specifically asked them to avoid it, and so they consider it a non-issue.

According to American intelligence sources Israel has already developed hydrogen bombs and means of delivery to enemy targets – such as Iran. This can have one of two practical implications: Covert actions taken by the threatened country to neutralize the threat, or developing a similar weapon themselves. The saying, common among nuclear researchers, goes “If you have it – so will I.” Based on that, the assessments claiming that Iran has been developing hydrogen weapons for years as a response to the Israeli threat seem logical. There’s also some evidence to support them.

One proof is the rumored covert assassination war between Israel and Iran. Masoud Alimohammadi, for example, a researcher from the University of Tehran, was killed at the entrance of his home by an explosive device strapped to a nearby motorcycle.

Western intelligence experts failed to determine the cause of the murder, as the scientist was reportedly only involved with theoretical research. After criminal or internal causes were ruled out the only option left was the potentially deadly military threat posed by his research.

Further research pointed to the fact that Alimohammadi’s research wasn’t purely theoretical, and focused on the field known today as “developing nuclear energy production technologies,” military and peaceful technologies that mainly involve hydrogen atoms.

Following the murder fascinating details on Alimohammadi’s unique body of work popped up, pointing to hydrogen, among other fields. According to assessments by nuclear researchers who reviewed the materials (research on the behavior of hydrogen atoms in temperatures close to absolute zero ) the research might very well lead to the development of hydrogen bombs. One proof came when it was published that the murdered scientist visited Bolivia a few years earlier in order to review the extent of the Latin American country’s Lithium reserves. Lithium, used mostly for car battery production, can be turned into Lithium-6 in a relatively simple process – a fissionable raw material for hydrogen bombs. Any expert, theoretical or not, knows that this process leads to the development of nuclear weapons – “normal” or hydrogen-based.

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One possible proof supporting these assessments is the deployment of Iran’s nuclear research facilities – including facilities for uranium deployment, heavy water production and two plutonium plants currently under construction. One of the plants, in Bushar, may be completed in a few months.

Why should Iran invest billions in nuclear research while ostensibly discussing a cessation of nuclear efforts with the US? It’s very probably that the various publications involving the Israeli hydrogen bomb urged Iran to focus its efforts on hydrogen.

The key to understanding the practical aspects of Prof. Alimohammadi’s research lies, according to nuclear experts, in his unique study of the density of the materials that are found in certain stars. As it turns out there are special chain reactions taking place within those stars, reactions involving mixtures of hydrogen and its deuterium and tritium isotopes. A mixture of these elements creates a hydrogen-based chain reaction, which can act as the basis for hydrogen bombs.

Someone outside Iran apparently realized the danger posed by Alimohammadi’s theoretical research and decided to neutralize the potential danger, in an attempt to prevent Iran from realizing this terrible nuclear threat.

It’s very likely that Alimohammadi’s death wasn’t the end of Iran’s hydrogen research, and that he was replaced by other researchers with advanced knowledge in the field. How does Iran explain the ongoing nuclear talks taking place while the war effort goes on? It turns out that Iran continues to fool the West. Behind closed doors Iranian nuclear researchers are saying “no one told us anything about hydrogen, we were only told to avoid “normal” atomic weapons. We’re talking about that and nothing else. They didn’t specifically refer to hydrogen so for us its a non-issue.”