Terrogence photo2 The Israeli company Terrogence Ltd. is an open source web Intelligence (OSINT) company dedicated to exposing terrorist capabilities and intent. As such, the Al-Khemia series is now entering its third year at full speed, consisting of 12 additional installments of Al-Khemia intelligence reports, which expose and analyze authentic terrorist Home-Made Explosives (HMEs) as they emerge in terrorist forums and knowledge bases.

The Al-Khemia Recipe Bank is an unparalleled repository of forensic HME analysis, aimed at rooting out the IED (Improvised Explosive Device) threat at its HME source.

A typical Al-KhemiaT report consists of a fully-translated, authentic Terrorist HME recipe, followed by a laboratory synthesis reconstruction by a specialized team of forensic chemical experts. Al-KhemiaT reports are highly technical intelligence documents geared towards explosives specialists concerned with HMEs in military, homeland security and law enforcement forensic laboratory contexts.

According to Daniel Forst, Marketing Manager at Terrogence, “The rapid dissemination of explosives recipes and manufacture know-how via the web means that as soon as a home-made explosive recipe is perfected and disseminated in one part of the world, the threat becomes real in conflict zones and combat theatres everywhere. In each Al-Khemia report, a real-life HME recipe, harvested from within online forums and websites used by global terrorists and local insurgents, is meticulously synthesized step-by-step in a controlled laboratory setting and analyzed in perfect detail by forensic chemists and explosives experts.”

Founded in 2004, Terrogence Ltd. is a private, open source web intelligence company dedicated to exposing terrorist capabilities and intent. Staffed with experienced intelligence professionals, the company has pioneered powerful, web-specific methodologies and tools for collection, analysis and research, enabling them to provide counter-terrorism intelligence of the highest caliber to governments and organizations worldwide. Their unique intelligence capabilities, coupled with the commercial nature of their company, enable them to accommodate the intelligence and security needs of organizations worldwide

Terrogence photo2 The Israeli company Terrogence Ltd. is an open source web Intelligence (OSINT) company dedicated to exposing terrorist capabilities and intent. As such, the Al-Khemia series is now entering its third year at full speed, consisting of 12 additional installments of Al-Khemia intelligence reports, which expose and analyze authentic terrorist Home-Made Explosives (HMEs) as they emerge in terrorist forums and knowledge bases.

The Al-Khemia Recipe Bank is an unparalleled repository of forensic HME analysis, aimed at rooting out the IED (Improvised Explosive Device) threat at its HME source.

A typical Al-KhemiaT report consists of a fully-translated, authentic Terrorist HME recipe, followed by a laboratory synthesis reconstruction by a specialized team of forensic chemical experts. Al-KhemiaT reports are highly technical intelligence documents geared towards explosives specialists concerned with HMEs in military, homeland security and law enforcement forensic laboratory contexts.

According to Daniel Forst, Marketing Manager at Terrogence, “The rapid dissemination of explosives recipes and manufacture know-how via the web means that as soon as a home-made explosive recipe is perfected and disseminated in one part of the world, the threat becomes real in conflict zones and combat theatres everywhere. In each Al-Khemia report, a real-life HME recipe, harvested from within online forums and websites used by global terrorists and local insurgents, is meticulously synthesized step-by-step in a controlled laboratory setting and analyzed in perfect detail by forensic chemists and explosives experts.”

Founded in 2004, Terrogence Ltd. is a private, open source web intelligence company dedicated to exposing terrorist capabilities and intent. Staffed with experienced intelligence professionals, the company has pioneered powerful, web-specific methodologies and tools for collection, analysis and research, enabling them to provide counter-terrorism intelligence of the highest caliber to governments and organizations worldwide. Their unique intelligence capabilities, coupled with the commercial nature of their company, enable them to accommodate the intelligence and security needs of organizations worldwide