ICT Bi-weekly Report – Jihadi Forums

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By ICT’s Jihadi Websites Monitoring Group

feature - iraqi al qaeda executing prisoners video image
Iraqi Al Qaeda terrorist uploaded a video in which they were seen executing prisoners. Source: ICT
  • Sheikh Sheikh Adam Gadahn, a senior leader of Al-Qaeda, called on jihadists and Muslims to attack American diplomats in the Middle East, especially those at the U.S. Embassy in Yemen, and to recreate the success of Benghazi, Libya, where a U.S. ambassador was killed last year in a terrorist attack.
  • Sheikh al-Julani, leader of the Al-Nusra Front (Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria) promised to avenge the chemical attack carried out by Bashar al-Assad’s regime against a Sunni village in Syria. In response, the mujahideen promised to unleash their rage on Alawite villages.
  • The Abdullah Azzam Brigade, a Salafi-jihadist organization affiliated with Al-Qaeda in the Lebanon-Syria area, took responsibility for launching rockets at Israel.
  • Brigade of the Veiled Ones” and “The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa” (MOJAO) Group, which operate in the Maghreb [North Africa], announced the merger of the two groups under a new name: Al-Mourabitoun. The leaders of the two groups relinquished their role and transferred it to a new leader, whose identity has not been revealed.
  • The establishment of Ajnad, the new jihadist media institution of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham, was announced.

iHLS – Israel Homeland Security

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