Israeli Company Plasan Opens New HLS Division

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Plasan, Israeli developer of protective systems for vehicles, established a new division – the Security Division for HLS. The new division will offer integration of various intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, communications and command and control systems for armored vehicles.

Illustration Photo: Plasan
Illustration Photo: Plasan

The company displayed some of its new products at the Paris MILIPOL: A 4X4 armored, manned, 6-ton vehicle, equipped with specialized systems for border protection, emergency response, infrastructure protection and more.

Systems integrated by Plasan into vehicles include: Reconnaissance blimps, radar, command and control systems and more. The vehicle on display in Paris is not the final product; the systems can be integrated into any other vehicle as well, as per the client’s requirements.

The new Security Division will offer various HLS solutions for illegal border crossings, natural disasters, terror, organized crime or civil disturbances. The vehicles combine physical protection with command and control systems, and allow for the quick deployment of forces and intelligence gathering units. The vehicle itself is equipped with defensive systems and armor, and exhibits survivability and high performance in harsh conditions. The vehicles will include advanced sensors, tactical radar, command and control systems and advanced communications.

IHLS – Israel Homeland Security

Here are a few examples of the roles these vehicles could fill:

  • Border protections. The vehicles are protected and armored against IEDs.
  • Special Ops. Police and paramilitary forces can make full use of the advanced sensors and command and control systems.
  • Intelligence. The vehicles will include robust communication systems for covert operations, intelligence and surveillance.
  • Disaster response. The vehicles are ideal for fast response during disasters, quickly mobilizing rescue teams and equipment.
  • Convoy and VIP protection. The vehicles will include defensive systems for force and VIP protection, including protecting agents operating in deep enemy territory.

According to company representatives there’s a growing demand – especially in Europe and Asia – for this type of HLS systems, known collectively as ISR – Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance.