Hemy Miller: The Global Sharing Trend Changed the CAD World

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11326310_sAutodesk, represented in Israel by the Omnitech Group, will hold its annual CAD convention Omnitech 2014 on November 19th, 2013, at the Avenue Convention Center in Airport City. This year, the convention concept is “together”, the new concept in the CAD world – the synergy between different disciplines on different platforms – desktop, web and mobile.

We met with Hemy Miller, CTO and director of business development in Omnitech’s Autodesk division, to discuss the recent changes in the CAD world. According to Miller there have been a few major changes. Model design, once requiring a lot of effort, became almost automatic. Designers take a picture in the field, for example, and the software immediately verifies the functionality of the product for them. The focus now is on the real world, not on the theoretical model. Another change is the rate of the changes and new developments themselves – from once a year or so to once a month.

The Autodesk team seeks to always remain innovative, to listen to customer feedback, to identify new trends and develop the right solutions. The Autodesk 3D design tools have, for example, led to 17 Oscar academy awards in the category of special effects.

The Autodesk cloud solutions, says Miller, fit perfectly within this strategy. The cloud allows you to choose between alternatives, pick the best ones and transfer them to colleagues, in order to continue working as quickly and efficiently as possible. The cloud is, in fact, an environment that facilitates the sharing of ideas and resources. The designer, for example, goes out into the field and starts working with AutoCAD on his smartphone, at the same time cooperating with his colleagues in the office. It saves a lot of resources, and tasks that used to take hours or days are now done in just a few seconds. All that with no time wasted on physical infrastructure, processing power or version updates and the like.

This systems is very similar to a social network, adds Miller. The Inventor Fusion is the Facebok of the CAD world, allowing the sharing of models and ideas just like all other social networks.

Omnithec CAD

IHLS – Israel Homeland Security

Omnitech itself began representing Autodesk in Israel since 2005. The market back then was flooded with many small suppliers, and Omnitech brought order into the chaos. It offers solutions for organizations and end users – professional tools, consulting, support and training. Omnitech’s clients include large organizations and companies such as the Israel Electric Company and Electra; architecture and engineering firms such as Yaski Mor Sivan and Moshe Tsur, and more.

As to future trends in the CAD world, Miller said that mobile technologies changed the market considerable, and it’s still just the beginning. Mobile technologies will become dominant in the future. 3D printers will become common, and will allow consumers to download models directly from the manufacturer and print them immediately. Autodesk already offers solutions that allow models to be updated quicly and printed.

In the Omnitech 2014 convention the company will present to new concept for the CAD world – product synergy, following the changes brought by the mobile technologies and the global sharing trend. Designers from different disciplines will work together on several platforms, while synchronizing information and work processes. The convention guests, including designer Ron Arad and Global Autodesk Vice President Steve Blum, will deal with these issues, each in his own area. Other convention topics include cloud technologies; combining desktop, web and mobile platforms; development in 3D design; the Autodesk 360 cloud environment and mobile applications. Miller highly recommends participating in the convention, which is free of charge but requires registration in advance.