Fighting Rockets with Rockets

הכותשWill Israel retaliate with rockets, next time it is being attacked by this kind of weapon? The answer is not simple or clear, but Israel is developing the capability. The changing nature of wars, from vast operations in large areas to “focused” urban fighting, has brought this change.

Two Israeli companies, Israel aerospace industries (IAI) and Israel military industries (IMI), have developed a range of very mobile, non-expensive very precise rockets . Some can be launched from multi launchers that will be capable of fast reaction and the creation of a large “kill zone”.

The companies claim that these rockets can deliver the required close support fire to ranges of up to 200 kilometers and hit a target located in an area where uninvolved citizens do not live.

Only some designs of the rockets have been unclassified while others are still highly classified.
Israeli sources say that the rockets are not capable of suppressing massive launch of rockets like the ones that are used by the Hezbollah in Lebanon, but are perfect to hit selected targets that can disappear if the reaction time is not short enough (Effectively closing target-to-shooter loop).