Bi-monthly Report: Jihadi Forums Information Summary – March 2013

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2This report summarizes notable events discussed on jihadist Web forums during the first half of March 2013. Following are the main points covered in the report:

  • The tenth issue of Inspire, an English-language jihadist magazine published by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), appears, along with a pocket book of advice for the lone wolf attacker on choice targets of attack in the West.
  • A senior leader of Al-Qaeda advises mujahideen how to keep themselves safe while traveling to arenas of jihad.
  • A prominent contributor to jihadist Web forums suggests exploiting the increasing tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the Arab Spring, to incite popular protests against the Saudi regime.
  • AQAP clarifies attempts by Islamist scholars in Yemen to negotiate a cease-fire between mujahideen and the regime.
  • AQAP’s Military Council asked that requests for guidance and instruction not be made through the Internet, for security reasons.
  • Ansar Al-Muslimeen fi Bilad Al-Sudan announced the death of the seven Christian hostages it had abducted on February 17, 2013 – the result of failed joint British and Nigerian rescue mission.

i-HLS Israel Homeland Security

 By ICT’s Jihadi Websites Monitoring Group

Please click here to view the full First Half of March 2013 report in PDF format.