ICT – Jihadi Forums Summary – 2nd half of February 2013


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Periodical  Review: Summary of Information from Jihadi Forums –
The Second Half of February 2013


This report summarizes notable events discussed on jihadist Web forums during the second half of February 2013. Following are the main points covered in the report:

  • Sheikh Ibrahim al-Rubaish, the mufti of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), urges Muslims not to relinquish implementing shari’a [Islamic law], and to withstand Western attempts to thwart their efforts. Emphasizing that despite the high cost and many martyrs that this will exact, continued commitment to da’wa and jihad for this sacred purpose will guarantee its success. Al-Rubaish also urges Sunni Arabs, especially those under existential threat from Iranian-backed Shi’ites, to arm themselves and prepare for imminent battle.
  • Nigerian jihadist group Boku Haram takes responsibility for kidnapping French citizens from Cameroon – to protest the French-led campaign against jihadists in northern Mali. Ansar Al-Muslimin in the Lands of the Black Africans admits to kidnapping seven foreign citizens in northern Nigeria for the same reason.
  • Gazan Salafi-jihadist media center Ibn Taymiyyah urges Muslims to abduct Israeli soldiers and use them as “bargaining chips”, and to storm prisons in Israel and the Palestinian Authority so as to release Muslim prisoners.
  • The Islamic State of Iraq launches a new jihadist media center: Al-’Itisaam.
  • For a limited time only, jihadist media outlet Fursan Al-Balagh welcomes to its ranks new recruits who wish to promote the mujahideen and Islam.
  • The jihadist media center Dawat Al-Haq proposed a plan for increasing and strengthening the presence of jihadists in Syria after the fall of the Syrian regime.
  • Salafi-jihadist Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) launches its first English-language magazine: Alrashideen [The Righteous].

i-HLS Israel Homeland Security

By: ICT’s Jihadi Websites Monitoring Group

Press this link for the full article (PDF)

The Jihadi Websites Monitoring Group (JWMG) is a specialized research and analysis team at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT). Composed of researchers fluent in Arabic, the JWMG monitors websites that support and serve the Global Jihad organizations. The unique characteristic of JWMG publications is the team’s integration of diverse materials from a wide variety of Arabic sources. JWMG connects each source to larger trends, providing a complete understanding of events on both a local and a global scale.