The Unrest in Europe and Scandinavia – a promo to chaos

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12082739_s (1)Israeli security experts say that the murder of the British soldier in London and the ongoing riots in Sweden are signs of a massive clash between Moslems that have not integrated in the countries they live in, and are now trying to change thing by violence.

“This is only the beginning “of the experts said pointing to the fact that in most recent incidents in the U.S and Europe the local intelligence bodies had some prior warning but “acted in a clumsy way”.

While according to the experts the background is hatred to non Moslems the countries in that case England and Sweden are “looking for academic answers that are not relevant”

Days of rioting have left Sweden searching for answers, wondering what went wrong in a nation welcoming of foreigners and proud of its tradition of tolerance and social equality.

It has also spurred a debate about the underlying causes, with some Swedes blaming the perpetrators for failing to integrate and other residents of these suburbs complaining they have been forgotten by mainstream society.

The violence that erupted May 19 followed a police shooting of a 69-year-old man who, police say, was waving a machete as officers attempted to search his home in the largely immigrant enclave of Husby, a Stockholm suburb. The torching of cars and buildings, and attacks on police in multiple districts in the capital have shocked Swedes unused to such mass violence.

“This has shaken Sweden,” said Peter Kadhammar, who covers immigration and integration issues for the Swedish daily Aftenbladet. “Of course, everyone has been aware of the massive failures in the immigrant policies, but this has shaken Sweden because the violence was so widespread.”

i-HLS ISRAEL Homeland Security 

Swedish newspapers report more than 100 cars have been set on fire since the riots began and dozens of buildings — including schools, stores and a police station — have also been torc

The security experts added that in Europe there is no real understanding of what really “drives” the millions of Moslems that have become a big part of the populations “Extreme Islam for many of these people is a sort of haven from poverty and inequality”