Rapid Cyber Response – International Collaboration

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The EU’s cyber rapid response team may be deployed to help Ukraine which is facing cyber-attacks. Last week, Ukraine’s authorities came under a cyber-attack that Kyiv links to Russia.

The multinational rapid response team led by Lithuania has been operating since 2019. It is on permanent standby and is ready to deploy as soon as a concrete agreement on such assistance is reached, according to a press release by Lithuania. Among other tasks, the team of cyber security experts from Lithuania, Poland, the Netherlands, Romania, Croatia and Estonia can be used in a major cyber crisis or to beef up the defense of EU institutions if needed.

The vice- defense ministers of Ukraine and Lithuania discussed the possibility of strengthening cooperation through the Regional Cyber Security Centre in Kaunas, which was launched last summer and brings together cyber-security experts from Lithuania, the US, Georgia and Ukraine, the Lithuanian ministry said. 

Watch: An interview with Dr. Rytis Raynis, NCSC Director, Ministry of National Defense, Republic of Lithuania, at iHLS INNOTECH 2021 Cyber, HLS and Innovation Conference in November. Register to INNOTECH 2022.