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US and UK forces simulated a combat scenario using a common platform, enabling operators to share data and machine learning algorithms to support wide-area situational awareness, giving brigades better information for decision making.

The US Air Force Research Laboratory successfully demonstrated new joint machine learning algorithms with the U.K.’s Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), showcasing the countries’ ability to collaborate on deploying artificial intelligence in support of warfighters.

It is the first joint technical and operation experiment hosted by the joint and international signatories of the Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence Collaboration (AAIC) Partnership Agreement.

The demonstration took place simultaneously in New York and the U.K, demonstrating how the two military forces can integrate AI technology “to create the first end-to-end Machine Learning (ML) research, development, and deployment ecosystem enabling rapid data sharing, algorithm development, evaluation, and deployment. AI will play a critical role in accelerating decision making to meet the pace & scale of the future battlespace,” said AFRL project lead Lee Seversky.

The U.K. was able to showcase its model cards, which allow commanders to rapidly understand and select the best machine learning algorithms to apply to a mission. The U.S. was able to use the government-owned StreamlinedML, an open platform where users can build machine learning workflows, evaluate models and then deploy them, according to defenenews.com.