This Robot Firefighter Can Shoot Out Thousands of Gallons of Water Per Minute

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Robot firefighters can deliver heavy fire hoses to reach areas and enter structures that are inaccessible with bigger vehicles or may collapse on top of firefighters. In case of forest or landscape fires, the robot firefighters can be airdropped to start limiting the spread of fires.

A new robotic vehicle can shoot out thousands of gallons of water per minute to combat a blaze. Estonia’s Milrem Robotics and InnoVfoam, a specialist in foam extinguishing technology, have unveiled the Multiscope Rescue Hydra unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). 

The firefighting robot can be remotely operated by firefighters who remain at a safe distance while receiving a complete overview of the operation area via various cameras, i.e. thermal and infrared, and sensors onboard the robot that can additionally detect gas or chemical leaks.

The fire monitors can be operated independently from the UGV thanks to separate cameras on the UGV and the monitors allowing the vehicle to change position while maintaining a perfect overview of the fire. 

The system can also be complemented with additional preventive and repressive systems and autonomous functions.

The platform has a maximum payload capacity of 1200 kg and pull force of 15 000 N allowing it to be equipped with a variety of firefighting specific payloads including foam or water tanks, but also tethered drones for better situational awareness, according to the company’s announcement.