UGV& Robots

UGV& Robots

Milper is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Israel local development and production of rugged...

The preparations ahead of the AUS&R 2014 Conference to be held next Wednesday, November 26 at Rishon LeZion amphi-park are almost complete. The unmanned systems...

The Pentagon’s Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) is preparing to deploy members to Iraq where 145 roadside bomb attacks carried out by Islamic State militants killed...

SDI is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Until not so long ago, we have...

Wind River is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 IAI will be presenting at the...

iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly report (11 November 2014): The National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force: NCIJTF New UASs: SpyLite mini and BlueBird Raytheon is testing a new laser-guided...

The self-driving car has traveled a long and lonely road to get here. Introduced to the American public by General Motors at the 1939...

German carmaker Audi has set a claimed speed record of 230 km/h at the Hockenheim circuit with a driverless car piloted by a battery...

A team from Sweden was able to greatly improve the ability of operators to perform tasks with remotely piloted emergency robots by making the...

How does the United States allow health workers to help West Africa while minimizing their risk? One answer that the White House may be...

The floor of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C., was an obstacle course this week, as the Association of the United...

Stark Aerospace, a U.S subsidiary of IAI, has unveiled the HoverLite tactical tethered hovering aerial ISR system. This is a new hovering intelligence gathering...

iRobot has secured multi-year contracts for the delivery of iRobot 510 PackBot reconnaissance, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) recce systems to the Canadian...

Ebola is visible from space: you can see its effects. Satellite imagery that provide high-resolution pictures from low Earth orbit give a picture of...

Scientists are all set to unveil the wheeled-version of India’s homegrown unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Nishant. The UAV named Panchi, means bird, and it...

The German army is assessing whether to provide drones for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to monitor the fragile cease-fire in...

The FAA will have to update its regulations in the face of a booming field. In Turkey, the remains of Antiochia ad Cragum, an ancient...

The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) says it is on track with the finalization of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) regulations, which are set...

A new special hangar for UAS at Fort Hood. With enough space for two football fields inside, the unmanned aerial system hangar is open for...

The British government is preparing new rules that will allow autonomous #vehicles on the public highways .Today, #driverless cars are only allowed to travel...

Driverless cars have been developed by several companies in the U.S. According to the website "HomeLand Security News Wire", the FBI believe unmanned vehicles...

The very extensive use of unmanned air systems (UAS) over Gaza will accelerated the use of UAS "Swarms" and the operational needs. Not many armed forces...