Driverless Car fleets to Hit Britain in 2015

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The British government is preparing new rules that will allow autonomous #vehicles on the public highways .Today, #driverless cars are only allowed to travel on private roads. New laws will allow them out to motor across the streets and thoroughfares of Great Britain.

#Business Secretary Vince Cable announced the new measures, which will require changes to the Highway Code. British cities can bid for a share of a £10m competition to host an autonomous car trial, which will run in three cities for between 18 and 36 months.

Cable said: “Today’s announcement will see driverless cars take to our streets in less than six months, putting us at the forefront of this transformational technology and opening up new opportunities for our economy and society.

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The new legislation covers cars which can operate without a driver, as well as autos which allow a human passenger to wrest control of the vehicle in an emergency. It is hoped the new regulations will help Britain to become a centre of research into this potentially huge industry.

Science minister Greg Clark added: “Britain is brilliantly placed to lead the world in #driverless technology. It combines our strengths in cars, #atellites, big data and urban design; with huge potential benefits for future jobs and for the consumer.”

So what cars can we expect to see on the road? One of the UK’s most prominent robotic car projects is currently under way at Oxford University’s Mobile Robotics Group. The British Army also uses automated vehicles designed by a firm called Mira. These include the #Unmanned Ground Vehicle Panama, which is used to sniff out improvised explosive devices.