Unmanned Systems

Unmanned Systems

Unmanned ground, aerial and naval systems provide a remotely-operated and autonomous safe option for surveillance, data gathering, inspection, resupply, etc. for defense, security and dual-use missions.
3d printers

All sorts of new cyberattacks have been rising in popularity over the last few years. Due to the rise in attacks on 3D printers,...

Polish Armaments Group, PGZ, is carrying out work to initiate a manufacturing process concerning the UAVs that would meet the requirements of the Polish...
self-driving cars

The global campaign for the promotion of autonomous vehicles to the streets seems to be everywhere. Now, 3M, the worldwide famous company behind inventions...
us air force

The US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is funding advanced technologies for Lockheed Martin’s Desert Hawk Extended Endurance and Range (DH EER) UAV, including...
ramming attacks

Vehicle ramming has become terrorists’ weapon of choice. Cases such as the deadly attacks in Barcelona and Charlottesville, show the attack can be all...
live demonstrations

The leading conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems and Robotics – AUS&R 2017, organized by iHLS for the fifth year, will include live demonstrations and...
autonomous cooperation

Swarm tactics are the latest trend when you’re talking about autonomous cooperation systems. MARSS has introduced a new version of its NiDAR command and...

The last few years have seen fixed-wing drones manage all sorts of difficult operations. A new development is seeking to enable drones to take...
autonomous vehicles

Will autonomous vehicles replace humans in the near future? Recent reports of major computer and bitcoin hacks have displayed the vulnerability of modern technologies...
the philippines

The Philippines armed forces are upgrading their unmanned aircraft fleet in order to be able to challenge current threats. Boeing subsidiary Insitu Inc. is...

A team of scientists and engineers, the members of the US Air Force Research Laboratory’s Flexible Materials and Processing Team, has been developing flexible...
unmanned aircraft

The US has been conducting ground-based testing on a diesel engine for manned and unmanned aircraft. The US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Advanced...
defense industries

What are the latest developments in the global defense industries and where are the Israeli companies ranked? Defensenews.com listed the top 100 defense companies...
cyber security rules

The United Kingdom has recently published a set of cyber security regulations, “Key principles of vehicle cyber security for connected and automated vehicles”. The...

By Arie Egozi This was the U.S demand even before the Trump era and the downturn it had brought to the Washington-Moscow relations. Washington has objected...
unmanned systems

The major players at the unmanned systems market will soon showcase their best technological and operational innovations at the leading conference on Autonomous Unmanned...
small UASs

Countering small UASs (unmanned aerial systems) to help protect warfighters has become a growing need recognized by the US defense administration. DARPA (Defense Advanced...
asymmetric warfare

The US defense R&D establishment has been seeking new ways to preserve the American advantage in asymmetric warfare. DARPA’s Strategic Technology Office (STO) unveiled...

Leading companies have been experimenting the use of drones to revolutionise deliveries.  A key problem facing any drone deliveries is batteries and maintenance. How...
military installations

The increased use of commercial and privately owned small unmanned aircraft systems has raised US Defense Department's concerns for the safety and security of...
autonomous vehicles

The Canadian Department of National Defence's scientists have started working on a new system to monitor Arctic waters, including autonomous vehicles. "It's important from...
tactical UAS

As part of its celebration of the People's Liberation Army, the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution in Beijing is displaying a range...