“Safe City” Mexico City

The most advanced security system in the world The Thales group is working on expanding the world's most advanced urban security system, referred to as...

Laser technology helps manufacture “Crazy” parts for the industry

Digital-Cut O.R. LPRS is one of the participants in the upcoming IAMD conference on March 31 Laser systems enable the High-tech and Defense industries in...

“Commando Bugs”

Hamas: Israel has deployed "electronic dragonflies" in Gaza A security source in the Gaza Strip told the Palestinians website Al Majed that "the purpose of...

iHLS TV Special Video Edition: USS Zumwalt

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this week's Special Video Edition, we discuss the world’s most advanced stealth anti-missile destroyer, the USS Zumwalt.

UASs on ships – a growing trend

Navies all over the world want Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) on their ships. Technical problems have slowed the implementation down, but now it is...

Effective decision support systems (DSS) ensure high real time

Omnisys is one of the participants in the upcoming IAMD conference on March 31 Recent decades have seen a dramatic expansion of computer infrastructure, including...

MatchGuide – A New Global Orientation System

Rafael is one of the participants in the upcoming IAMD conference on March 31 Rafael has developed a global orientation system for aerial platforms that...

New non-lethal law enforcement solution

In this day and age of globalization and greater mass access (mostly thanks to the internet and to social media), mass demonstrations have become...

iHLS TV Weekly Video Report – March 24th 2015

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly Video report (March 24th 2015): Turkey and ISIS – more than meets the eye US Navy resting exoskeletons ISIS’s...

Improved radios for critical missions unveiled

Motorola Solutions adds technology to MTP3000 Series TETRA radios to meet mission-critical demands. The entire MTP3000 Series of Terrestrial Trunked Radios (TETRA) from Motorola Solutions...

Israeli defense contractor awarded major US Marines contract

Elbit Systems U.S. Subsidiary Awarded a $73.4 Million USMC IDIQ Contract for Common Laser Range Finder - Integrated Capability. Haifa, Israel, March 22, 2015 –...

Wireless Charging

Have we completely given up on privacy? When it comes to wireless charging, aka wireless power, the answer is probably ’yes’. Though they have become indispensable...

The Little intruder catchers

They are small and well hidden and they can detect an invasion. You can find them along the borders of more than 30 countries,...

Boeing and Saab will compete with Israel Military industries

Boeing and Saab announced that they are working to transform Boeing’s Small Diameter Bomb – a guided weapon typically launched from fighter and bomber...

US Navy is testing Fortis exoskeletons

Illustration A US defense contractor has provided the US Navy with two Fortis exoskeletons. The National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) has ordered a pair of...

US: Long endurance UAS completes first successful flight

  Vanilla Aircraft successfully completed first flight of the VA001 Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). This is, a 36-ft wingspan Ultra-Long Endurance (ULE) unmanned aerial vehicle...

Smartphone vs. Big Brother

We are all understandably ’hysterical’ about maintaining our privacy. There is no doubt this is a burning, crucial issue. Nevertheless, we ought to bear...

BNET radio system: the answer to multi-platform air forces

The BNET software defined radio (SDR) system developed by an Israeli defense contractor is creating interest among various foreign air forces. The BNET will...

The “Punisher” may be used by anti terror units

  Another weapon system may find its way from army to anti terror use in complicated situations. The XM25 is an air burst grenade launcher. It...

US Navy Researchers Develop Bio-Inspired Autonomous Vehicles

Researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have designed and developed novel underwater propulsion, control, and sensing solutions for near-shore and littoral zone...

Advanced weapons and nuclear energy

At the start of the 33rd Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME 2015), Gideon Frank, an Israel Electric board member, and formerly the Director...

Thermal performance breakthrough achieved

Thermal resistance is of great interest to electronic engineers, since most sensitive electrical components generate heat and need to be cooled. Allowing heat to...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...