UK is planning laser weapons

The UK Ministry of Defense's (MoD) Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) is reportedly planning to launch a competition this year for the development...

DARPA seeks a better way to see in the dark

DARPA is looking for the next generation of wearable night vision gear. The goal is to design night vision gear that is smaller and lighter...

iHLS TV – Going global, Amazon’s drone store, new grenade launcher,...

In this weekly report (30 September 2014): iHLS TV is going global to over 40 million viewers through the Shalom Show Amazon to launch drone store New...

The Razor UAV Only Costs $800 to Print

When budget are stressed and cannot support the purchase of more highly priced UAVs some are  so inexpensive and quick to create that it's practically...

Israel Military Industries unveils anti material ammunition

Israel Military Industries (IMI) has improved the veteran .50" round to meet the operational needs of the Israeli defense forces (IDF). Originally developed in 1910,...

DARPA’s new tank stresses mobility over armor

Despite military advances in the field of armor improvements, DARPA's newest tank concept is based more around evasion. The Ground X-Vehicle Technology (GXV-T) program is...

US Army’s New Laser Cannon Blasts Drones Out of the Sky

Boeing is building a laser cannon for the U.S. Army, and the new weapon has now proved it will be as capable at sea...

Is the Government Ready for 3-D-Printed Guns?

The technology is here, but will guns from 3-D printers become a problem? These days, anyone with access to an Internet connection and a 3-D...

iHLS TV – NSA, Undersea sensors, GHOST unmanned system, Domestic...

In this weekly episode (02 Sep 2014): - NSA and its new tracking software - Undersea sensors - GHOST: The unmanned system - Domestic extremists - Ambulance drivers safety תוכנה...

Israeli Counter-Sniper Systems

Snipers fired on the Israeli army in Gaza and they may soon be a threat in northern Israel. The Israeli industry has developed some...

Local Cops in the U.S use Super Spy Bug

Privacy? Gone forever. Police in Tacoma, Washington, bought - and quietly used for six years - surveillance equipment that can sweep up records of every...

Police departments use technology for patrols, community

Police departments use state grants to cover the cost of new purchases of online programs, mobile apps and new gadgets to track crime, as...

UAVs and mobile tracking technologies

Unmanned vehicles and innovative mobile apps – these are the cutting edge technologies used to maintain order at large airports nowadays. The latest addition...

Israeli police to deploy firefighting helicopters

Israeli Police helicopters are to undergo refurbishment that will enhance their abilities, enabling them to conduct firefighting, search and rescue operations from the air,...

U.S. details plans for car-to-car safety communications

After more than a decade of research into car-to-car communications, U.S. auto safety regulators took a step forward today by unveiling their plan for...

Flying cameras following earthquake

Flying cameras help teams assess damage, search for survivors and clear roads following earthquake in Ludian, Yunnan, China. Disaster response team incorporates aerial technology into...

Unmanned aircraft used to survey Hawaii wildlife

The first of two scheduled deployments of unmanned aircraft systems over the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands showed they can be used to conduct research without...

Ambulances go high-tech to prevent crashes

In an emergency, every second counts. But driving at high speeds can compromise the safety of first responders and civilians. There is a new device...

Chinese hacking schemes from US defense contractors

A Chinese national has been indicted in connection with an alleged computer hacking scheme to steal trade secrets from American defense contractors, federal prosecutors...

iHLS TV: Al-Qaeda, China vs Microsoft, new QinetiQ surveillance systems, terrorists...

Articles and issues discussed in this week’s report: Al-Qaeda financing sources China vs Microsoft QinetiQ's new airborne communications surveillance systems Terrorists using social media

A ‘Ghost’ in operational status soon

Test flights of the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)  GHOST mini  hovering unmanned system (UAS) continue and the system is expected to gain full operational...

UAVs becoming armed threats – tactical laser weapon already in the...

Raytheon Co. will develop a tactical laser weapon mounted on a maneuverable combat vehicle to protect U.S. Marine Corps task forces from unmanned aerial...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...