British combined effort against Cyber attacks

 Nine leading British defense companies are collaborating with the government in a partnering scheme to prevent cyber attackers from stealing the industry’s secrets. This...

Terrorists and Pirates beware!

The U.K. is testing a new simulator while investigating techniques to improve the accuracy of its sailors using machine guns on naval and auxiliary...

Terror attack using model aircraft foiled in Germany

German authorities searched nine homes and properties in the Stuttgart area, in the area around Munich, as well as in Saxony and Belgium. A spokesman...

Germany wants to gather more personal data

According to Der Spiegel, Germany's intelligence agency has a 100-million-euro plan to expand Internet surveillance. Meanwhile, the interior minister wants travelers to fill out...

France, UK Exploring Collaborative UCAS Venture

Dassault Aviation and BAE Systems are working on a collaborative study of a future Joint Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) project, to agree on...

Unmanned systems take new roles over our heads

Germany's national railway company, Deutsche Bahn, plans to test small drones to try to reduce the amount of graffiti being sprayed on its property. The...

A new “coalition” raises eyebrows in Israel

"This is a very strange move" an Israeli source said about Italy's intent to make Poland as a partner for the development of an...

The DSR -1 is the sniper rifle of Germany’s GSG-9 anti...

The German GSG-9 is one of the best anti terror units in the world. This unit uses the DRS 1 as its sniper rifle...

Will Europe weaponize an Israeli unmanned air system (UAS)?

Some European countries may consider an Israeli made unmanned air system (UAS) as a platform for a "Black program” to create a European medium-altitude/long-endurance...

Italy is entering the Turkish market after Israel was pushed out

Italy in many ways has taken the place of Israel in the Turkish defense market. Alenia Aermacchi has signed an agreement with the SSM, the...

‘Smart borders’: enhancing mobility and security

Travelers entering EU’s border-free Schengen area frequently will be able to cross frontiers quickly thanks to a special machine-readable card. The EU is moving towards...

Stun guns in the wrong hands – a wide problem

לעברית לחץ כאן . Most policeman in the U.K do not carry guns. But this police force has to handle a growing number of crimes performed...

Europe is improving its cyber security defenses

לעברית לחץ כאן   The European steps to counter cyber security attacks on vital installations and organizations will have an effect on Israel. The European...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...