UAV market in China grows rapidly

The Chinese civilian UAV market is forecast to reach one billion US Dollars by 2020, with 400 companies being involved .This according to the...

Chinese Anti-Drone Laser System tested

Chinese military officials have deployed a highly accurate laser defense system capable of shooting down small drones flying at a low altitude, Chinese state...

Foreign sources: Israel has nuclear warheads poised to be launched

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), in the turn of 2014, 9 countries worldwide, including Israel, were in possession of 4,150...

Anti-satellite weapons development stepped up

The US and China are developing weapons systems capable of destroying satellites in space. "This kind of weapon is a game changer," says a...

Tianjin expo reveals Chinese UAV innovations, aspirations

According to Chinese press reports, a family of inflatable UAVs were unveiled at a recent technology exhibition. Chief designer Zhang Bing Yan introduced the "software...

US Predator vs. China’s CH-4 drone

US Predator vs. China’s CH-4 drone This is a real race for superiority. The People’s Liberation Army’s CH-4 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is receiving high-profile...

Soon everywhere: Drones capable of firing missiles

Virtually every country on Earth will be able to build or acquire drones capable of firing missiles within the next 10 years. Armed aerial...

iHLS TV – Chinese hackers, China earthquake, Missouri police, car safety,...

Articles and issues discussed in this week’s report: Chinese hacker indicted Flying cameras assist first responders in latest China earthquake Missouri police militarization Car safety: collision prevention system...

Flying cameras following earthquake

Flying cameras help teams assess damage, search for survivors and clear roads following earthquake in Ludian, Yunnan, China. Disaster response team incorporates aerial technology into...

Chinese hacking schemes from US defense contractors

A Chinese national has been indicted in connection with an alleged computer hacking scheme to steal trade secrets from American defense contractors, federal prosecutors...

iHLS TV: Al-Qaeda, China vs Microsoft, new QinetiQ surveillance systems, terrorists...

Articles and issues discussed in this week’s report: Al-Qaeda financing sources China vs Microsoft QinetiQ's new airborne communications surveillance systems Terrorists using social media

Commercial drone market set to take off in China

Commercial use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is an emerging line of business in China, set to be worth billions of yuan within a...

Tension between China, Canada over hacking incidents

Beijing is not happy that Canada's government is naming and shaming Chinese hackers. The big news on the television and on the front page of...

Chinese government offices ban Windows 8

China is ramping up its campaign against Microsoft, following its ban in May on the installation of Windows 8 on government computers. According to ECT...

Israeli Defense Companies Infiltrated? A Different Theory by iHLS

Most of Israel's technology, economics and news media recently recycled a post originally uploaded by the American information security blog Krebs on Security, citing...

Swedish Company to Sell Drones to China

CybAero, a Swedish company specializing in its unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) helicopter, has received an order of 70 rotary-wing drones, valued at $100 million...

China’s Largest UAS Expo Kicks Off in Beijing

China is on the fast track to become a major UAS manufacturer. Some of the development efforts are being displayed in the “2014 China UAV...

New Report: Chinese Cyber Policy

Cyber security is the most important issue that China has to address in developing its new media, according to a report released Wednesday by...

Japan: Drones to Spy on China, N. Korea

Tokyo wants to buy several Global Hawk drones to monitor the Chinese and North Korean military, Japanese media reports. The US is deploying two...

China Spied on Australian Lawmakers

A cyber attack on the Australian parliamentary computer network in 2011 may have given Chinese intelligence agencies access to lawmakers’ private emails for an...

China Cracks Down on Terrorist Propaganda

In response to an attack on a train station where 29 people were knifed to death by extremists, China announced it will crack down...

Chinese Develop Transforming, Liquid Metal

Printing parts for a weapon is one thing – and there’s ample proof-of-concept about to show that 3D printers will only get better at...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...