Detecting fire in a reliable way

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15852053_sTelefire is equipping many public buildings in different countries with its very advanced fire detectors.

The Company’s Fire & Gas Detectors plant specializes in developing and manufacturing fire alarm and gas detection systems since 1979.

The company continuously invests in electronics, physics of fire, and gas sensing research, and is proud to be one of the few companies in the world that have total in-house development and manufacturing capability of state-of-the-art technology for both detector and   tectors and control panels.

The company manufactures a wide range of devices for fire and gas detection systems – from conventional (small- to medium scale) systems and up to Firecom analog addressable technology, with swift response, immunity to costly false alarms and friendly operation and maintenance.

In case of emergency, when every second counts, Telefire systems promptly pinpoint the source of danger – type and location – and activate means to counter it.

According to the marketing manager Yilan Yarkony, the company supplies its system to installers around the world. “The systems that we developed have brought false alarms to almost zero and at the same time detect smoke and fire when there is a real danger”.

The company has installed its systems in major Israeli sites like Teva the pharmaceutical giant and the Israel Museum.