Maglan will find the loophole

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6579385_sIsrael faces a real risk of a cyber attack on its pipe line systems providing water, chemicals, gas and other substances . Such an attack may cause huge problems and create havoc in many parts of the country, warns Shai Blitzblau  managing director of Maglan group.

Maglan’s technical consulting and audit services to companies and organizations are focused on practical solutions with hands-on guidelines:

  • Risk and exposures analysis over IT networking, operating systems, applications, databases, defense and security systems.
  • Controlled Penetration Test and Vulnerability Analysis: from Internet attacks through professional hackers to offensive business intelligence simulations.
  • Secure programming, Code inspection and Algorithm review – Practical crypto specialist with extensive PKI expertise.
  • Architecture and Design of information security systems over local, wide and international infrastructures to a limited tailored made code and devices.
  • Exclusive environments expertise: ERP (SAP, Databases), Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Virtual Private Networks (VPN), E-commerce, Mobile security (GSM, GPRS), SCADA systems and industrial computing.
  • Computer Forensics investigation, digital pathology, elite techniques to supports police and legal activity.

The company is defined by industry people as the “Commando unit” of the cyber war that affects many almost on a daily basis.

“Companies come to us and ask our experts to find the small loopholes in which a hostile force in many cases a business rival may attack their assets”

Blitzblau says that a company or organization can achieve a 95 % protection by identifying the “weak spots”.

He mentioned the danger to the pipe systems mainly because these are considered “Basic” and not something that is worth protecting.  “This is a mistake”.

He added that penetration tests and vulnerability analysis are external and / or internal controlled offensive intruder and hacking simulations against the client networks, systems, applications and data.

Maglan’s controlled penetration tests and vulnerability analysis deliver essential insights for the upper management over the internal data and organizational confidential information quality of security and defensive measures. In addition, the IT departments received a high precise technical understudying of the IT security level, providing accurate reviews of the return of investment and real investment effectiveness.

During the last 3 years, Maglan performed 450 projects of controlled penetration testing and vulnerability.

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