Start-Up: Innovative Learning Platform for Security Organizations – NSG College

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Quality learning – this is the moto of the NSG College – National Security Group, that offers security organizations in Israel and all over the world an efficient learning of professional content, basing on the proved learning methodology of Israel’s security forces.

The start-up, which participates in the iHLS security accelerator, specializes in six major security aspects: cyber security, homeland security, immigration, emergency first responders, intelligence and analysis, and security management.

It is an innovative quality eLearning platform based on the unique and multi-year experience of Israel’s security organizations.

The technology at the basis of the platform offers efficiency and agility at all levels, from the identification of the organization’s needs through the learning contents, up to the transfer methods of the learning materials. This is why this solution is suitable for the specific learner as well as for the security organization.

According to Dr. Marina Shorer, the founder and the CEO of NSG College, the contents of the courses are tailor made to the needs of the organization. Moreover, the level of learning is tailored to each learner.

The learning and instruction contents are transferred by all available demonstration means – video, audio, text, exams, games, scenarios etc., in order to turn learning into an interesting, personal and informal activity. The professional content is written by a team of some 30 senior lecturers and experts, mostly from Israel.  

Learners can access the content through any media – smartphone, tablet, smart TV or any other Internet-connected device. In an unconnected environment, due to technical or classification reasons, all the learning materials are produced in a standalone and secure form, including all feautures and media.

The software offers a remote monitoring of the learning quality and pace of each course participant. The learners’ levels of alertness and understanding are monitored on real time, during the course and at its ending, so that the remote commander receives  the tests results and statstical data concerning the learners’ achievements and it they manage to finish their assignments on time. These parameters, among others, can serve as indication to the compatibility of the learner to the role.

The platform offers the organization flexibility regarding the transfer of the learning materials as well as their update: the materials can be independently updated on real time by the organization.

The project’s target audience is two-fold: the specific learner – who learns in order to receive his rank in the organization or wishes to thoroughly study a certain subject; and the organizational sphere – when an organization has already got its own learning materials, NSG College offers the improvement of the contents and assists in opening a minisite on the College’s friendly learning environment, while safeguarding the look and feel of the organization.

NSG College is working on the development of independent distribution channels for organizations, i.e. the production of a marketing platform for the organization in order to enhance its ability to independently market the course.

NSG College participates in various international researches, and has started collaboration with several academic organizations.

The College is about to announce its certified diploma program, and in the future it strives for international certification.

NSG College is the only eLearning project in Israel basing on the Israeli security methodology and distributing it globally. The College strives to find partners and customers all over the world in order to implement its vision – the most needed and updated learning platform at the security realm for the enrichment of learning of security agencies all over the world.

For more details  

For registration to iHLS Security Accelerator