Ukaraine-Romania Missile and Cyber Co-operation Tightening

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Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov discussed at a meeting with the Romanian Minister of National Defense, Mihnea Motoc, the prospects of a bilateral cooperation in the military-technical sphere and the field of security and defense.

According to the Ukraine’s press release and, during the meeting in Kyiv the sides discussed the issues of strengthening Ukrainian-Romanian cooperation in the field of defense and security and cooperation in the field of cyber security and cyber protection, paying special attention to what they refered to as “information war”.

Last year, seven NATO states, including Romania, offered  financial or in-kind contributions to Ukraine’s Cyber Defense Trust Fund, over the backdrop of increasing DDS attacks and communication jamming against the country. “NATO needs to keep abreast of the rapidly changing threat landscape and to maintain a robust cyber-defence,” a NATO official in Brussels told ZDNet at the time.

According to Ukraine’s National Security Secretary Turchynov, cooperation between the two countries’ defense sectors should be strengthened, “which will contribute to strengthening the defense capability of both Ukraine and Romania.”

“I am convinced of the need to sign an intergovernmental agreement on military-technical cooperation,” he said, adding that this will be the next step, which will contribute to the invigoration of cooperation between Ukraine and Romania.

“I am sure our cooperation will facilitate the strengthening of the defense capability of not only our country but of European security in general,” Turchynov said.