Last Preparations For AUS&R 2015

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Coordination between the presenters of the air show, and the ground and maritime demonstrations, as well as the interfaces of the mobile broadcasting stations,  the frequencies and video connections – all these were the center of the dress rehearsal for the AUS&R 2015 which will be taking place on Monday.

The presenters of the unmanned vehicles examined the exhibition ground around the event area in Rishon Letzion and received final instructions regarding the exact demonstration times for every vehicle and a briefing on the flight lanes and the order of the demonstrations – maritime, aerial and ground.

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“This is a complex demonstration and it must be timed as precisely as possible”, said Dan Tamir, who is in charge of the live demonstrations.

At the same time, preparations at the LAGO center for the huge exhibition and conference are nearing their end – preparing the air conditioned press rooms which include working stations, preparing the broadcasting systems from the mobile stations to television channels in Israel and the world.

The team is already briefed to absorb the thousands of people that already registered to AUS&R 2015 which will take place at the LAGO events center in Rishon Letzion on Monday, September 7th.

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