Modern solutions for modern challenges

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The modern world presents us with difficult challenges which didn’t exist in the past. Nowadays, in an age where the internet is so developed and each and every person can upload information in various platforms, the amount of information is huge and there is a substantial need for society to be able to separate what’s important and what’s not as to present relevant information to the decision makers. Furthermore, with the right skills one can detect widthwide and depthwide trends, reach the right conclusions to lead organization to better decisions and better business paths with more profit.

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SAS answers exactly that need, with analytics via software with which it can locate and use opportunities for business growth and an increase in profits, take strategic and tactic actions in record time and use the data collected in order to reach decision leading to obvious results. Towards the Israeli market, the company makes itself accessible through Mia Computers, who is its sole representative in the country. The company provides solutions for over 150 Israeli clients, among them government offices, the electric company and the Bank of Israel, and aids in statistical analystic advising and building projects suited for the costumer’s needs.

One of the solutions offered by SAS to its clients is in Cyber Security. The company combines analytical intelligence with the existing security system of its clients, which offers conclusions produced in almost real-time. The SAS Cybersecurity solution allows for quick detection time of abnormals (security issues) and analytic prioritization of the range of cyber threats the client is facing while making a comparison between old and new information detected as abnormal, presented quickly to the decision makers.

The company will present its solutions at the Future Forces conference.