The U.N against attacks on terrorists from unmanned platforms

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4363788308_d8a39776e3_mThe United Nations wants the u.s to stop its unmanned air systems (UAS) attacks on terrorists. American sources say the this demand and th threat to define those attacks as  crimes against humanity again prove that the organization has lost any relevance.

“While the u.n is not doing anything to stop the massacre in Syria it wants to put limitations on one of the most efficient tools in the war against terror. This is another proof the the international organization lost its relevancy and became useless. “one of the sources said.

In a compressive report the researcher Dr. Richard Weitz wrote that in recent years, the main form of U.S. military operation in Pakistan, Yemen, and other terrorist havens has been the missiles launched from UAS.

These remotely piloted armed drones are widely known to be operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). They launch rapid missile attacks on high-value terrorist targets, selecting their targets on the basis of human and signal intelligence.

Although the UAS’ often operate with the consent of the host government, who seek to direct the attacks against their violent domestic opponents and prefer the drone strikes to a major foreign military presence or other foreign footprints, they rarely enjoy the popular backing of the people of the bombarded nation.

The report says that the Predator UAS was first equipped with a Hellfire missile in 2001. It then used this weapon to kill terrorist Qaid Salim Sinan al-Harithi in Yemen on November 3, 2002. Since then, the most widely publicized attacks have been in Pakistan. Like Yemen, Pakistan is another country where a major American military ground presence would be controversial.

According to various media and think tank reports, CIA and DoD drones such as the Predator and Reaper UAS armed with Hellfire missiles have killed hundreds of people in northwest Pakistan in recent years. These numbers have reportedly surged in 2010 as the Obama administration has been seeking to complement the increase in U.S. combat troops inside Afghanistan with intensified operations in the Taliban sanctuary in neighboring Pakistan.

The UAS attacks are controversial but are still considered the best option by the U.S. and other nations’ that have the capability.

At the same time , human rights groups criticize them as extrajudicial killings since the suspected terrorist is killed outright rather than given a trial. The sources said that since U.S. officials decline to comment on the UAS operations, the Taliban and others are free to exaggerate to the media the number of innocent victims they cause.


Illustration Pictures with courtesy of IDF’s spokesman unit