Making Air-defenses operate in harmony

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לעברית לחץ כאן


9955534_sIsrael is developing a multi layered air defense system aimed at protecting the population from all air threats – rocket, missiles and aircraft , manned and unmanned.

To make all the systems involved work together the need is for a very advanced coordination , optimization system.

Rafael has released some details about its integrated command and control system aimed at coordinating multi layer/ multi participants air defence systems.

The need for such a system is a result of the growing threats to countries from hostile aircraft, missiles and armed unmanned air systems.

One very good example is the Israeli multi layer defence system . This already includes the Iron Dome system against short range rockets and the Arrow- 2 interceptor against ballistic missiles. Two additional layers are under development – the “David Sling” against longer range rockets and the Arrow-3 against longer range ballistic missile with unconventional warheads.

According to Rafael, the MIC4AD – Modular Integrated C4I is an advanced unified integrated C4I system that commands and controls the operation of both air and missile defense missions. The company says that MIC4AD provides a total solution for multi-systems, multi-layer and multi-range air and missile defense threats. MIC4AD provides effective fire control. Its flexible resource management engine creates an optimized solution to all threats at any level of command (national, regional or tactical). The system is user-friendly and easily operated. It combines automated capabilities and advanced interactive displays.

Rafael says that MIC4AD operational concept takes into account several defense circles. It exploits offline resources (Data Base, Digital Terrain Model, and Intelligence) and real-time data (Radar, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) System or other systems) all connected to the Air Traffic Control Picture and to the Mission Planning system. Together they build the National Air Situation Picture (ASP). MIC4AD powerful correlation engine correlates data from multiple sensors/platforms (radars, data link and electro-optics) and delivers real time, unified, coherent tactical picture. MIC4AD also performs threat assessment and provides hostile target classification, interception plan and effective command of the weapon system launching process.