Report: More interest in gun ownership than gun control

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Public interest in gun control has dropped since if peaked two years ago, right after the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut.

A new survey from the Pew Research Center reports that Americans are more concerned about gun ownership rights than gun control. It’s the first time that ownership rights have been a top priority since the center started its annual survey more than 20 years ago.

Tommy Rompel, owner of Black Weapons Armory in Tucson, told sales have dropped from the rush nearly two years ago.

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Nevertheless, he believes people understand that owning firearms is a right that the government cannot hinder. “They’re sick of the government intervening in people’s lives and creating all these laws that just interfere and don’t help anything. They want less interference from both parties, because both parties essentially do it.”

The survey of more than 1,500 people also found an increase in the number of people believing that guns in the home do more to protect people from crime.

“You have the right to protect yourself and that’s what it’s based upon,” said Rompel. “It’s not about guns. It’s not about killing. It’s about protecting the individual.”