Firefighters from the US to volunteer in Israel during emergencies


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A group of 40 American fighters are enrolled in firefighting studies in Israel. They also joined a program of emergency volunteering in Israel.

Some 40 US firefighters are currently undergoing training in Israeli firefighting practices as part of preparations ahead of their training, when they volunteer to come to Israel in case of emergency.

The group of firefighters, all of whom are from Washington DC, joined the Emergency Volunteer Project (EVP) for recruiting volunteers from overseas. The plan was first launched back in 2006, and hundreds of US firefighters have already been recruited. They have arrived in Israel several times during various emergencies.

Israel HLS

Eleven firefighters from the US arrived in Israeli during Operation “Protective Edge”. They have taken part in dozens of firefighting missions along with Israeli firefighters in the south of Israeli, dealing with both fires and rocket hits.

The 40 Washington DC firefighters joined this team, and they are now enrolled in concentrated firefighting courses focusing on firefighting protocols in Israel. The course, which is led by a team of three instructors from Israel, is taking place in a special facility in Baltimore.