A security threat calls for limited exposure of Israel’s nuclear capabilities – part 2 of 3


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Part Two


Due to both threats posed, the “Daniel Project” committee recommends as follows:

  • Israel must do everything in its power to prevent a hostile coalition armed with weapons of mass destruction. One of the ways to prevent it from forming is to launch a preemptive strike against countries on the brink of arming themselves with WMDs.
  • Israel must continue to uphold its policy of nuclear ambiguity in order to prevent its enemies from any future use of the argument ’if Israel can have nuclear weapons, surely we may too”. Nevertheless, in the future, Israel might have to change its policy to a limited degree of disclosure of its capabilities. Such a change may only exist in case Israel’s enemies succeed in developing nuclear capability or in acquiring it.
  • Israel will not be able to survive unless it continues to maintain a policy of credible, decisive nuclear deterrence, complete with missile defense capable of providing counter measures against ballistic missiles. Such a policy can unfold in the framework of the premise deterrence is based on, rather than after a first strike had already been launched.

iHLS Israel Homeland Security

  • Israel must prioritize at least 15 strategically important targets in hostile Middle Eastern countries.

When the “Daniel Project” members met with Prime Minister Sharon and presented their recommendations, they wanted to underscore the extent of the Islamist threat to Israel and cited the following figures: the Arab world comprises 22 countries and a combined population of 144 million. Should a Palestinian state be established, it will be the 23rd. The Islamist world, however, comprises 44 countries and over one billion inhabitants. These countries’ overall territory is 672 times larger than Israel’s.

The team members argue that Israel’s strategic future rests on the assumption that the threat of an annihilation attack against Israel stems from “a clash of civilizations” rather than on strategic disagreements. Both Israel and the US are caught up in an Arab/Islamist Jihad deeply rooted in religious faith. Moreover, Israel, they believe, has no chance of reaching a situation of ’living peacefully side by side’ with the Palestinians, nor any ’settlement akin to peace’.


This top secret US-Israeli issue had already been uncovered by Nativ Online back in April 2014. The full report has also been released on Wikipedia as well as in a lecture by Prof. Louis Beres at Bet Yeshurun, Huston, Texas. According to various publications, the members of the “Daniel Project” comprise of the following figures: Louis René Beres from the US; Na’aman Belkind, former “Aid on Special Means” to Israel’s minister of Defense, a member of Israel’s Atomic Energy Committee and adviser to Prime Minister Begin on the strike against Iraq’s nuclear reactor; former MAFAT chief Prof. Yitzhak Ben Israel; Rand H. Fishbein, former advisor to Senator Daniel Inouye; Dr. Adir Pridor, mathematician, retired Lt. Colonel in the Israeli Air Force, where he served as senior systems designer and former chief military analyst at RAFAEL; retired MK Yoash Tzidon, retired Colonel in the Israeli Air Force.