Fast Draw – Terror Tunnels Threat

מנהרת טרור עזתית שנחשפה על ידי צה"ל במסגרת מבצע צוק איתן (באדיבות לשכת דובר צה"ל)

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Gaza terror tunnel discovered during the Protective Edge IDF operation (courtesy of the IDF Spokesman's Office)
Gaza terror tunnel discovered during the Protective Edge IDF operation (courtesy of the IDF Spokesman’s Office)

If anyone still doubts that Israel’s security establishment had no clue as to the magnitude of the terror tunnels, here’s a reminder: Last September the establishment decided to withdraw soldiers from towns located in the area surrounding Gaza.

According to statements given then security at 22 towns – along the northern border and the border with Gaza – would be withdrawn after an operational assessment. A military source said that “defense will be based on security components, the threats in Judea and Samaria are more spread out.”

Mayors and residents of the areas surrounding Gaza said then that the decision is insane, but they were only partially heard out.

iHLS – Israel Homeland Security

The cost of security for these towns is estimated at tens of millions of shekels annually, but the decision, according to a senior military source, was based only on operational considerations. The source added that the decision was made following an assessment of the threats to the border towns, comparing these threats to the IDF’s operational responses.

You hear that? An assessment? What assessment?! You had no clue whatsover, you didn’t know anything about what was happening underground right next to the Gaza border.

How detached and unprofessional can you get? This is a glaring mistake of the highest magnitude. In Israel, though, no one is going to really pay the price. See you all after the next fiasco.