TSA to Charge ‘Pre Check’ Travelers $85 for Five Years

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10752660_s featureThe U.S Transportation security administration (TSA) announced that it will charge a fee of $85 per individual to participate for five years in the Pre[check] trusted traveler program, which will enable cleared passengers to move through airport security on an expedited basis.

Successful applicants will be eligible to receive expedited screening at participating U.S. airport security checkpoints, including use of a dedicated screening lane and more limited physical screening,” says a TSA notice published in the Federal Register.

iHLS – Israel Homeland Security

Prospective participants in the program must provide biometric and biographic information to TSA. “TSA has taken a number of actions to implement its intelligence-driven, risk-based approach to aviation security,” the agency explains in its published notice.

These actions include expedited screening for passengers 12-years old or younger or 75-years old or older and for U.S. military personnel. These steps enhance aviation security by permitting TSA to focus its limited security resources on passengers who are more likely to pose a threat to civil aviation, while also facilitating and improving the commercial aviation travel experience for the public.”