The flow of weapon systems into Gaza- all sensors on


The flow of weapon systems into Gaza , is steady and growing. Israel will have to do something to stop it, or at least minimize it.

To judge from press reports that appeared in the last year , the Israeli Air Force attacked at least two weapon convoys traveling in Sudan on their way to the Gaza Strip .
According to the reports, denied by the Sudanese armed forces, the planes attacked a convoy of four wheel drive cars in eastern Sudan.

Another strike reportedly took place earlier , against a truck near the border with Egypt, and in a third incident a helicopter was reported to have been spotted over an island near Sudan.
Israel has never confirmed nor denied its involvement in any of the air strikes. It also did not confirmed or denied reports about operations of the Israeli navy in the Red Sea in recent years, as part of Israeli efforts to intercept Iranian arms smuggling mainly to the Hamas in Gaza.

After the last operation in Gaza , the Hamas had to renew its stockpile of arms, mainly rockets. Iran immediately came to the help and the shipments began,

Israel but not only , is following . Israeli sources say that the intelligence organizations of a “number of countries ” , are following the flow of arms but they refused to elaborate on the steps that will be taken .

The rocket attacks on Israel during the “Pillar of defense” operation , do not leave Israel many options , but to stop the renewed flow of weapons , some of them deadlier than those used only recently.