Israel is among the global leaders in security export

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10775731_sAccording to data revealed by the Israeli Ministry of Defense Israel is among the top ten security exporters, 25% of the exports being missile technologies and air defense systems.

Head of the Defense Exports and Defense Cooperation division (SIBAT) in the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Shmaia Avieli, revealed that in 2012 Israeli security exports were worth 7.5 billion dollars. Brig. Gen. (Res.) Avieli said that security exports comprise 10% of the total Israeli industrial exports (excluding diamonds), while 71% of the total security production is meant for export. The growth in export volumes in 2012 is a continuation of the growth in security exports since 2003.

Most of the Israeli products, worth around 4 billion dollars, were shipped to Asia and the Pacific. Contracts worth around 3.5 billion dollars were signed with European countries, the US, Canada, Latin America and Africa.

Avieli said that “Despite the global economic crisis we witnessed a growth in exports, mainly due to the variety of advanced technologies produced by the Israeli industries. In 2012 we have have created a lot of activity, worth around half a billion dollars, favoring small and medium industries.” In addition, he added that “SIBAT helped industries export a variety of systems, including missiles and air defense (25% of exports), radar and satellites, and many more.”

According to Avieli “the Israeli security industry is a testament to the fact that state investments in security research and development strengthen the IDF, create more jobs and strengthen the economy in general. The credit goes to the industries, the Israeli innovation and the good relations with countries around the world.”

According to Brig. Gen. Eitan Eshel, head of Ministry of Defense Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure (MAF’AT), Israel has an advantage in this area due to the technologies being tested in the field by the IDF, and the long term planning by the Ministry of Defense and the Israeli security industries. Most of the capabilities of the IDF are based on technologies developed by the Israeli defense industries, most of them funded by MAF’AT.

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