Secure Quantum Computing in Your Private Home

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Researchers from Oxford University developed “blind quantum computing” – a new approach to securely connect two quantum computing entities using existing fiber optic systems. This method is expected to enable millions of users to access quantum computing from the comfort of their own homes.

Quantum computing works using quantum bits (or qubits), which serve as repositories of information and can hold values of 0, 1, or both at the same time (contrary to the conventional binary), enabling advantages like parallel processing.

While many tech companies are working hard to build quantum computing systems, expecting them to transform the world of computing, these systems are typically large and need ultra-low temperatures to function, putting them out of the common environments of computer usage. If quantum computers are to be common in the world of computing, developers must create a system that makes quantum computing accessible and secure.

According to Interesting Engineering, a research team from the University of Oxford leveraged blind quantum computing to connect two separate quantum computing entities. The system connects over an optical fiber network and can connect a quantum computing server with an independent computer that remotely accesses it (similarly to how it would access a cloud server).

David Lucas, a professor of physics who led the research, said in a press release: “We have shown for the first time that quantum computing in the cloud can be accessed in a scalable, practical way which will also give people complete security and privacy of data, plus the ability to verify its authenticity.”

He further explained that the issues surrounding the privacy of data and code are extremely prevalent and debated in the current era of cloud computing and AI, and as quantum computers become more capable, people will seek to use them with complete security and privacy over networks.

Blind quantum computing will let clients access remote quantum computers that will process confidential data with secret algorithms and even verify the results are correct without revealing any useful information. Ultimately, the research will lead to the development of commercial devices that can plug into laptops and protect data when people access cloud-based quantum computing services from their homes.

This information was provided by Interesting Engineering.