Five Cyber Attacks in One Day

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A single day was all it took to breach five US organizations. According to recent reports, five separate US organization were attacked by cyber criminals last week. Between the five organizations, these data breaches affected nearly 150,000 US citizens.

The five organizations impacted by the cyber attacks are village Bank, food company Sysco Corporation, Collins Electrical Construction, Kline & Specter legal firm, and cancer treatment researcher Puma Biotechnology.

The firm with the highest number of effected personnel was Sysco. The company reported 126,243 victims whose personal information was breached, including their full name and social security number. Sysco described that this was “a cybersecurity event perpetrated by a threat actor believed to have begun on January 14th, 2023.”

Kline & Specter followed Sysco with reports of 16,096 clients affected by the data breach. The firm described the breach as a ransomware attack in which personal data was copied by threat actors.

The official statement by Kline & Spencer reads that “although the risk of data breaches cannot be eliminated altogether, we are undertaking a top-down review to determine what more we can reasonably do to minimize risk moving forward.”

It is important to note that the information stolen by the cyber criminals might not be utilized right away, as threat actors often prefer to extend all possible use from such data, whether by enacting a future cyber attack or selling the information on the black market.

Affected firms are urging their customers to take precautionary measures such as freezing their credit score to prevent agencies from releasing such information without due consent and reviewing financial account statements regularly to monitor for any suspicious transactions, according to reports by Cyber News.