Companies Are Not Ready To Face Cyber Threats

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Organizations have shifted from a largely static operating model, where people operated from single devices from one location, connecting to a static network, to a hybrid world in which they increasingly operate from multiple devices in multiple locations, connect to multiple networks, access applications in the cloud and on the go, and generate an enormous amount of data.

According to a recently published cyber security readiness index, conducted by the company Cisco, only 15% of organizations globally have the ‘mature’ level of readiness needed to be resilient against today’s modern cybersecurity risks.

The Index measures the readiness of companies across five core pillars that determine the cybersecurity resilience of businesses facing modern threats: identity, devices, network, application workloads and data, and 19 different solutions across these pillars.

The independent double-blind survey asked 6,700 cybersecurity leaders across 27 markets to indicate which of these solutions they had deployed, and the stage of deployment. Companies were then classified into four stages of increasing readiness: beginner, formative, progressive and mature.

Only 15 per cent of the surveyed companies are at the mature stage of cybersecurity readiness.

While the readiness gap may be alarmingly large, businesses are anything but standing still. Security leaders are aware of the risks and are keen to invest in their cybersecurity readiness. In this way, 86 per cent of organizations intend to increase their cybersecurity budget by at least 10 per cent over the next 12 months. In light of the most recent findings, these budget increases must be delivered sooner rather than later.

As reported by