Breakthrough: Plants Make Sounds When Stressed

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For the first time in the world, researchers at Tel Aviv University recorded and analyzed sounds distinctly emitted by plants.

The click-like sounds, similar to the popping of popcorn, are emitted at a volume similar to human speech, but at high frequencies, beyond the hearing range of the human ear.

The researchers: “We found that plants usually emit sounds when they are under stress, and that each plant and each type of stress is associated with a specific identifiable sound. While imperceptible to the human ear, the sounds emitted by plants can probably be heard by various animals, such as bats, mice, and insects.”

Researchers at Tel Aviv University have recorded and analyzed ultrasonic sounds emitted by plants for the first time. The study found that plants emit specific sounds when under stress, which may be detectable by animals like bats, mice, and insects.

Using machine learning algorithms, the researchers were able to distinguish between different plants and types of stress, even in noisy environments. This breakthrough could potentially help humans develop tools to better understand plant conditions and needs, such as sensors for when plants require watering. The team plans to further investigate the mechanisms behind plant sounds and their impact on other organisms.

As reported by