D-Fend Solutions Takeover Technology Takes Early Leadership in Cyber-Based Counter-Drone Space

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Counter-Drone Context – A Quest for Continuity

To help organizations cope with today’s imposing rogue drone threat across sensitive environments, sectors and use cases, D-Fend Solutions is blazing a new path. Instead of using traditional methods, D-Fend Solutions is becoming a counter-drone leader by employing cyber technology to take over rogue drones. Their solution seizes control of hostile drones and lands them safely, while maintaining continuity.

Blast from the Past: Shooting & Jamming C-sUAS Methods

Traditional counter-unmanned, aerial system (C-sUAS) technologies can still play a role in a layered defense strategy, but they are inadequate for today’s sensitive and/or urban environments. 

During the detection process, radars can struggle to differentiate between small drones and other flying objects and frequently generate false alarms. Acoustic methods must detect quiet drones in increasingly noisy environments, and optical technologies do not work without a clear line-of-sight, which is usually unavailable in urban locations.

Moving to mitigation, jamming-based and kinetic counter-drone solutions were originally created to mitigate all types of UASs during military battles or attacks. Jammer-based tools may affect other radio communications, which could pose a problem for nearby broadcasts, or security personnel. Full control is not achieved – drone operators can regain access to the drone once the jamming ceases. 

Kinetic counter-drone technology uses projectiles to try to blast drones out of the sky. These solutions are risky in crowded situations because they can cause collateral damage, due to misses, or from the plummeting drone. 

A New Counter-Drone Technology Category: Cyber Takeover 

The founders of D-Fend Solutions developed EnforceAir, the company’s proven C-sUAS product, to offer an end-to-end solution that seamlessly handles detection and mitigation without the drawbacks associated with traditional solutions. 

EnforceAir features premier cyber, radio frequency (RF)-based takeover technology. The system, in either autonomous or manual mode, detects, locates and identifies rogue drones in the airspace, and then neutralizes the threat by empowering the operator to take full control over the drone and land it safely in a predefined zone.

Unlike other solutions available in the market, EnforceAir provides complete control and offers operators the choice to fend-off, or safely land, hostile drones. 

Four Core Concepts for Continuity

Four key concepts are at the heart of D-Fend Solutions’ product and approach that strongly differentiate the company from its competitors, chart its mission and deliver on its core commitment to continuity: control, safety, focus and future-readiness

Continuity, Friend-or-Foe Clarity & Deployment Flexibility

Since the system does not rely upon jammers or kinetic technology, EnforceAir avoids collateral damage, interference, disruption or disturbance. A precise and short signal transmitted by EnforceAir takes control over the rogue drone without interfering with communication signals. EnforceAir facilitates complete continuity – communications, commerce, transportation and everyday life smoothly proceed.

One of EnforceAir’s most unique and innovative attributes is its ability to differentiate between hostile and authorized drones, and to permit the authorized drones to continue functioning normally. This is a vital feature in today’s drone-powered society. D-Fend’s product extracts the drone identifiers for an “identification: friend or foe” (IFF) process. Authorized drones can continue with their tasks, while the system tracks the rogue drone remote controller position for selected drone communication protocols.

D-Fend Solutions offers multiple deployment options, providing optimized coverage for a wide variety of scenarios, conditions and terrain types, with rapid and easy set-up. 

Left to right: Chairman & CEO, Zohar Halachmi, CTO, Assaf Monsa, President & CPO, Yaniv Benbenisti

Hyper Growth Company

With hundreds of deployments of EnforceAir worldwide across four continents – including forward operating bases, highly traveled borders and ports, and major international airports – D-Fend has been tested and selected by operational units and security agencies in sensitive environments. EnforceAir is entrusted to protect large-scale events and government officials around the world, including gatherings with tens of thousands of attendees.

D-Fend Solutions recently announced an expansion of its North American office, including the addition of 10 technical and domain experts for North American operations. This includes a team in Canada to support local customers and widen D-Fend Solutions’ footprint in that strategic market. D-Fend has rapidly grown to +100 employees and has also established offices in the UK, Germany and Japan.

D-Fend Solutions’ takeover technology aims to take over the counter-drone industry, and the early traction and validation are certainly very impressive…