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Nation-E-LogoFounded in 2005, energy information and communication technology (ICT) company Nation-E is at the forefront of energy demand response and energy risk management solutions. After eight years of R&D, including the roll-out of various energy storage and energy backup solutions, such as the Angel CarTM, the world’s first commercial fast charging mobile energy supply unit and the Bank of EnergyTMa smart Li-Ion battery with a customary configurable Battery Management System, Nation-E aims to mitigate the risk of power outages and blackouts.

In 2013, Nation-E unveiled its most advanced development – CerebrumTMan energy gateway Featuring all communication protocols (internet, GSM, satellite),enabling uninterrupted communication with various distributed storage modes (batteries, fuel cells, generators) into a cloud, thus giving them the capability to act like an integrated power plant. The system allows various additional applications such as demand response, frequency stabilization, tariff leveraging, remote control, integration of various generation assets (including renewables) and fast-charging. Nation-E’s products comply with military standards and are designed to operate in the highest security layers.

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Nation-E’s HQ and R&D center are in Israel. Additionally, the company operates an R&D center in Poland and branches in Germany and the U.S.

Contact Details:

+972 (9) 7949494

[email protected]