ihls security accelerator

Call for Proposals for Startups in Defense and HLS Fields

iHLS, the global media leader in security technology, is inviting entrepreneurship in this field to join the third cycle of the world first accelerator...
startup festival

Come to iHLS Startup Festival and Startup Live Competition

  The prestigious startup stage is back on March 29th! The Startup Festival and Startup Live Competition is the leading annual event at the ecosystem...
big data for homeland security

Great Interest in IHLS Big Data for Homeland Security Conference

iHLS fifth annual conference on Big Data for Homeland Security attracted many technology experts, investors, entrepreneurs and representatives of the high-tech industries, defense industries,...
startup festival

iHLS Startup Festival is Getting Closer

If you have an innovative start-up in any field - the iHLS Startup Festival is just for you! Gaming, fintech, big data, nano-technology, cyber, machine...
big data

Forthcoming Big Data Conference – What’s on the Program?

  Big data impacts every aspect of life. In the homeland security sphere, Israel is a leading player with proven capabilities and operational experience in...
integration system

Start-Up: Integration at the Push of a Button

In a world where every organization works with a wealth of data sources - cameras, sensors, organizational processes etc. - there is a growing...
airport security

Start-Up: The Next Generation of Airport Security

The 21st century has been presenting more and more challenges in securing crowded areas. Technologies have been developed due to, among other reasons, terrible...
unmanned aerial vehicles

Start-Up: Organizing The New World of Data Recording

One of the most significant trademarks of recent years regarding communication is the incredible overflow of information and data. From this large mass, people...
big data

Big Data – Advantages for Military Intelligence

Big data processing and in-depth intelligent learning have penetrated into every aspect of life. Big data means the exponentially increasing amount of digital information...

Summary of iHLS Business Activity This Year

iHLS sums up 2016 and wishes you a happy new year! Another successful and active year, productive and full of innovations, changes and a variety...

C4I Technologies for Terrain Dominance Conference – Innovation at its Best

Many participants from the ranks of the Israeli police, the IDF, the defense and civilian industries, came today to learn about the newest technologies...

iHLS Security Accelertor Start-Ups Recieve Massive Attention

Eight innovative startups gave a spectacular and fascinating presentation at the graduation event of the iHLS security accelerator’s first cycle, which took place at...

iHLS Security Accelerator First Cycle Graduated – Come and See Projects

iHLS is proud to present the projects which graduated iHLS Accelerator's first cycle. The celebratory event will take place on December 12, 2016 at...

Start-Up: Innovative Learning Platform for Security Organizations – NSG College

Quality learning - this is the moto of the NSG College - National Security Group, that offers security organizations in Israel and all over...

Military and Civilian Innovations – at the IOT Conference

The leading IoT experts and companies from the IDF and the industries participated at the conference today, organized by iHLS on the Internet of...

Collaboration Agreement Signed Between iHLS and South Korea – GT Korea

An agreement was signed between iHLS and South Korea - GT Korea from the Industry Commerce and Energy ministry, for the promotion of collaboration...

Start-Up: New Method for Border Control

For several years it's been a challenge to conduct surveillance in real-time over large distances. Solutions include fences, or security cameras which a person...

Start-Up: The Simulation World’s Next Revolution – 3DOR Simulations

The simulation field is one of the realms being developed in fifth gear in many industries, especially the security one. The young up-and-coming 3DOR...

Internet of Things – for Smart and Secure City Management

The Internet of Things (IoT) merges software and hardware with network connectivity, for the benefit of creating smart cities and safe cities. IoT devices -...

Video Analytics Community Meets at iHLS Conference Today

iHLS Conference on Video Analytics today at Rishon LeZion was a great success. Hundreds of professionals and experts in this field participated in the...
ihls security accelerator

The Defense And Homeland Security Industries Are Looking For New Technologies

Call For Proposals For Startups In Defense and HLS Fields   iHLS, the global media leader in security technology, is inviting entrepreneurships in this field to...

Video Analytics – Innovative Technology with Civilian and Security Uses

Video analytics is a technology that is used to identify, record, and analyze video streams via electronic media. Intelligent video analytics (IVA) helps end-users...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...