Cloud computing: cyber security breaches attract hackers

Organizations and business are increasingly turning towards cloud computing in order to streamline their operations and to enable their employees an easier and more...

NSA Surveillance Software Infecting Thousands of Computers Worldwide

A sophisticated spying campaign infected tens of thousands of computers worldwide with surveillance software, some embedded in hard drives, according to a report from...

Cyberespionage tactics

Kaspersky Lab reveals latest cyberespionage tactics: complexity and modularity VS functionality. Nation-state sponsored cyberespionage attacks are becoming more sophisticated, targeting carefully defined users with complex,...

A new threat: North Korean cyber attack on Western critical infrastructure

North Korea is targeting infrastructure in the west by Cyber attacks. According to various reports, North Korea has a team of roughly 3,000 cyber soldiers....

Wireless Charging

Have we completely given up on privacy? When it comes to wireless charging, aka wireless power, the answer is probably ’yes’. Though they have become indispensable...

Air Traffic Control System Vulnerable to Cyberattack

The country’s air traffic control systems are vulnerable to hackers. This, according to a 42-page document entitled "Information Security: FAA Needs to Address Weaknesses...

Smartphone vs. Big Brother

We are all understandably ’hysterical’ about maintaining our privacy. There is no doubt this is a burning, crucial issue. Nevertheless, we ought to bear...

First responders’ technology prize to be awarded by DHS

U.S DHS launches $25K prize for innovative ways to track first responders indoors during incidents. The Homeland Security Department's research and development arm announced it...

Equation Group: The Crown Creator of Cyber-Espionage

Kaspersky Lab discovers the ancestor of Stuxnet and Flame – powerful threat actor with an absolute dominance in terms of cyber-tools and techniques. For several...

Obama’s $14 billion cybersecurity initiatives for the 2016 budget

American companies welcome next year's budget for Cyber security. Massachusetts cyber security firms applauded President Barack Obama proposed $14 billion allocation toward cybersecurity initiatives...

Israeli system intercepts cloud-stored data

Nowadays, everything is available at the palm of our hand. Nevertheless, these amazing capabilities, combined with our instinctive fear of the "Big Sister Syndrome"...

iHLS TV Weekly Video Report – February 3rd 2015

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly Video report (February 3rd 2015): Coalition against Isis: Too Little Too Late Kaspersky Technology Forecast for 2045 The US...

The weak areas of US federal facilities’ Cyber protection

The U.S. is realizing step by step to what degree it is vulnerable to Cyber attacks. According to HomeLand Security News Wire, while most cybersecurity...

Robotic solution: having human presence where humans cannot be

Human-controlled robotic systems anywhere in the world and even in space constitute the solution to various logistic and other barriers to human presence. Dr. Andre...

Law Enforcement and National Security vs. Global Business Interests

Yoram Hacohen Three interesting processes are underway as a direct result of Edward Snowden’s revelations about the extent of the access by US security services...

Cyber attacks will grow in number in 2015

2015 will see an increase in Cyber Warfare incidents. McAfee Labs' 2015 Threats Predictions report sees increased cyber-warfare and espionage, along with new strategies from...

Identifying New Patterns in Advanced Targeted Attacks

Analysis of Firsthand Experiences of the World’s Most Renowned Cybersecurity Forensics Teams Pinpoints Exploitation of Privileged Accounts as a “Signature” in Targeted Attacks. A new...

DARPA director calls for cyber security change

In a recent C-SPAN interview by Mary Jordon from the Washington Post, Dr. Arati Prabhakar, director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), conducted stated:...

Four DARPA projects that could change the world

Forty years ago, a group of researchers with military money set out to test the wacky idea of making computers talk to one another...

Opinion: Surfing the Post-Snowden Internet

By Gad Elkin "The next phase of the internet will be focused on information and powered by connectivity. Cloud computing, big data and Internet of...

Network Security: DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge

This problem is getting more serious - the inadequacy of current network security systems, which require expert programmers to identify and repair system weaknesses...

Internet of Things – Potential Security Risks

We're entering a new age, an age where our devices are connected to the internet, communicating through the net to fulfill various needs. When...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...