Strategic Sites

Strategic Sites

This danger is imminent. Britain’s aging nuclear power plants are vulnerable to terrorist attacks by unmanned drones that could kill thousands of people. This...

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this Special iHLS TV Edition, we discuss advanced submarines, missile boats capable of attacking aircraft and radars capable...

North Korea is targeting infrastructure in the west by Cyber attacks. According to various reports, North Korea has a team of roughly 3,000 cyber soldiers....

The country’s air traffic control systems are vulnerable to hackers. This, according to a 42-page document entitled "Information Security: FAA Needs to Address Weaknesses...

They are small and well hidden and they can detect an invasion. You can find them along the borders of more than 30 countries,...

The FAA's proposed drone legislation: the return of the nanny-state After months of waiting, the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) finally issued its official draft proposal...

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly Video report (March 3rd 2015): The international campaign against ISIS Bad Iran Deal in the Offing Innovative Face Recognition...

A surprise cyber attack on U.S critical infrastructure – an imminent scenario? Cybersecurity experts often contemplate how U.S. security agencies would react to a cyber-9/11...

The Polish army will use new assault ramps especially for anti terror operations. The agreement was with the Concept company located in Bielsko-Biala, regarding...

Short 90- and 140- character wireless emergency alert messages delivered over mobile devices are "substantially less effective" than much longer messages to spur people...

Toronto Police confirmed the existence of a mysterious underground chamber near York University Monday, after a CBC report raised the specter of an attack...

In this day and age of highly advanced crimes on the one hand, and intensifying terrorism on the other, the sense among intelligence service,...

Advanced submarines, missile boats capable of attacking aircraft, radars capable of tracing underwater strikes. These are some of the features of the Israeli Navy...

DHS officials responsible for protecting federal civilian networks and critical industries from cyberattacks have recently referred to this issue. They said they are going...

  In a few weeks we shall mark the 23rd anniversary of the attack on Israel’s embassy in Buenos Aires, which killed 29 people, of...

Aerial imagery of infrastructure will assist first responders in rescue missions and disaster areas. Israeli manufacturers of unmanned air systems (UAS) see a growing demand...

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly Video report (February 10th 2015): U.S Visa waiver program is under attack by many experts Terror attacks on...

The number of missions unmanned systems are tasked with, as well as their diversity, is expanding each year. The roles they play include a...

Passengers in the U.S are trying to fly well armed. In 2014, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) said it seized 2,212 firearms in carry-on bags...

The European Parliament is considering reviving draft legislation which would force airline companies to give EU member governments a cohesive and uniform set of...

"This is a threat many worldwide prefer not to deal with," say Israeli experts in response to the incident in which a drone landed...

The terror attacks in Paris have renewed a sense of insecurity among residents of major U.S. cities. One of the latest Islamic State threats...