Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement

The security arm of U.S. Jewish groups held its first International Security Summit in response to recent attacks on Jewish communities. According to JTA the...

With the flow of extremists that have been involved in Islamic violent activities in Afghanistan and Syria, security forces around the world are on...

This is a major step in using the facial recognition tool for fighting crime and terror. Pierre Martin became the first person in Chicago to...

By Shavit Or, Strategy 360 Part 1 of 2 Advanced technological security systems are an important element in an overflowing world that faces rising, sophisticated violence...

The new technique needs to be extensively tested on real crimes scenes, before it can be used in prosecutions. Dutch forensic experts claimed to have...

Articles and issues discussed in this episode: The U.S. Navy's new LWaS, a low cost solution against drones, light aircraft and missiles New Israeli “star wars”...

The Federal Bureau of Investigation will aggressively crack down on cyber crime over the next few weeks, with a bureau official advising the public...

Articles and issues discussed in this episode: New video covers the first flight test of the Black Knight Transformer, a flying, unmanned truck. New York hosts...

In a new legal resources page posted on its website, Apple outlined its guidelines regarding requests for customer data from from U.S. law enforcement...

New York trains for shooting incidents. Law enforcement officers descended on One World Trade Center a few day ago for a special day of...

The United Kingdom’s Emergency Services Mobile Communications Program (ESMCP) will replace the communication service currently delivered by Airwave, which was criticized following the July...

A new guide covers readiness and response to violent incidents in medical facilities. Violence at hospitals is a common phenomenon. Hospital environments are naturally full of tension,...

Articles and issues discussed in this Episode: New Rafael remote controlled weapons station aimed at non-lethal use U.S. Department of Defense is developing a microwave-based, vehicle-stopping...

Mexico City doubles its municipal security system, adding thousands of additional cameras. Mexico city recently signed a contract with the Latin American security company Telmex,...

Israel's first “National Violence Report” will be presented at a national civil security conference taking place in Jerusalem, May 2014. Officials at Israel's Internal Security...

What's in that room? Students from Arizona University assist fire fighters, police officers or soldiers and help them find out * All using a...

How to make the world safer? Answers will be given next year in Singapore. Interpol has announced the Interpol World convention, taking place next year...

Drones have been expanding into the civilian world for a while now, and many private operators enjoy piloting them – but there are dangers....

The New York police unit in charge of collecting intelligence among local Muslims was shut down. The New York Police Department shut down a special unit operating...

Borders and fences make it difficult for people to infiltrate areas – but they can't entirely prevent it. The same borders, however, severely disrupt...

Efforts are intensifying to keep the most deadly and powerful sniper rifles on the market out of the hands of terrorists to protect Illinois...

Countries do not report stolen or lost passports to Interpol * “This is a threat to civilian aviation security”, according to U.S. DHS experts. Many...