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Quantum RGB uses near real-time video feeds from standard third-party cameras or recorded video repositories to create a robust “QuantumID” for each person of...

The Marine Corps is in the early phases of developing a large Group 5 unmanned aerial system (UAS) that would operate from a ship...

Japanese tele-robotics company V-Cube Robotics (VRJ) has entered a strategic partnership with Singapore’s H3 Dynamics to roll out the company’s DRONEBOX drone deployment base...

The automotive video technology expert company, CitNOW, has given motor professionals enhanced insights into the performance of their personalised video communications with the latest...

A new rapid response, light tactical electric vehicle (LTEV) for use by US law enforcement and government agencies was unveiled recently. This swift and...

The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has unveiled a new wearable sensor technology designed to keep track of squaddies and prevent friendly fire incidents....

The PIRO smart video stabilizer that was previously only available to professionals was launched this month. From the widespread popularity of selfie sticks to...

Video analytics is a technology that is used to identify, record, and analyze video streams via electronic media. Intelligent video analytics (IVA) helps end-users...

Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s national emergency medicine service and Red Cross national society, has released a mobile app that aims to significantly streamline...

Raytheon Company is developing a new technology to provide extensive situational awareness for soldiers inside windowless armored vehicles, as part of the Defense Advanced...

Metova Inc announced the launch of Metova Solutions, a provider of Military-grade cybersecurity technologies, training and hardware for corporations and institutions. Metova Solutions technology...

The South African company Ultimate Unmanned has launched its new Viper 1000C unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which is based on a Stemme motor glider. The...

By ARIE EGOZI With the rising cost of maritime security, government agencies are interested in smaller, highly versatile boats that can be called upon to...

A new energy-efficient vehicle that operates on hydrogen fuel has been unveiled during the US Army Annual Meeting and convention. The ZH2 hydrogen fuel cell...

  iHLS, the global media leader in security technology, is inviting entrepreneurships in this field to join the second cycle of the world first accelerator...

New thermal imaging camera for perimeter detection applications includes on-board analytics.   VCA claims its new Intelligent Thermal IP bullet cameras with on-board analytics offer...

GoPro recently unveiled new products and services which will attempt tp simplify the process of editing and sharing. The main objective is to establish...

Russia has launched a light weight sniper rifle Kord-M that can fire up to a distance of 2 kilometers. The rifle, which can cut...

Computer scientists and electrical engineers from the University of Washington have devised a way to send passwords through the human body using benign, low-frequency...

The Pentagon’s Strategic Capabilities Office continues to perfect drone swarm technology featuring micro-UAVs that are fired out from fighter jets to distract and attack. The...

In today’s battlefield environment, it is critical for soldiers to be able to quickly locate and identify targets, especially during nighttime operations or when...

Hitachi announced that it will begin providing "walk-through type explosives trace detection system" for critical infrastructure facilities such as power plants and data centers...