

Who is that stranger in your social media photo? A click on the face reveals the name in seconds, almost as soon as you...

The U.S National Security Agency is harvesting huge numbers of images of people from communications that it intercepts through its global surveillance operations for...

The Israeli security organizations are preparing a plan that will include sever limitation of cell phones in "sensitive" government sites. This to avoid any...

Motorists in Britain will be forced to have spy in the car technology which will track their speeds and other driving habits or face...

The National Security Agency is secretly intercepting, recording, and archiving the audio of virtually every cell phone conversation on the island nation of the...

Tokyo wants to buy several Global Hawk drones to monitor the Chinese and North Korean military, Japanese media reports. The US is deploying two...

With the commodification of digital cameras, digital video has become so easy to produce that human beings can have trouble keeping up with it....

Iranian hackers have become increasingly aggressive and sophisticated, moving from disrupting and defacing US websites to engaging in cyber espionage, security experts say. According to...

In a new legal resources page posted on its website, Apple outlined its guidelines regarding requests for customer data from from U.S. law enforcement...

The potential threats from Russia and China leave less time for British security bodies to pry in citizen private lives. In recent months, GCHQ –...

Criminals and terrorists cannot ALWAYS hide behind prepaid phones. That fact became clear when Cambria County, Pennsylvania police quickly tracked the individual who placed...

A cyber attack on the Australian parliamentary computer network in 2011 may have given Chinese intelligence agencies access to lawmakers’ private emails for an...

Artificial intelligence students at the Israeli Technion predict voting patterns for Knesset members. New algorithms can predict the way Knesset members will vote on various...

The U.S. Army distributed a new field manual for soldiers: How to use the electromagnetic spectrum to your advantage. Recently, alongside global military interest in...

Recently we have been constantly reminded of how vulnerable are our mobile phones – the infamous NSA spy program, for example, or the smartphones...

Statements made by U.S. High Justices might point to their intentions involving the large-scale NSA espionage program, revealed to the public following unprecedented leaks...

A new report reveals that the cyber-espionage phenomenon is on the rise, with government agencies as the main targets. According to a recent Verizon cyber-security...

Interview with Yoram Ben Yoar, Video & GIS Analytics Services Manager at IBM Israel, on advanced video analytics and data analysis. The interview is...

Intelligence agencies are hiding critical information from the public, and private organizations aren't aware of the true severity of global cyber threats. That's according...

Articles and issues discussed in this episode: Russians hack U.S. drone over Crimea New study: U.S. borders with Mexico damage local wildlife New underwater sonar for drilling...

Officials, military officers and top intelligence analysts oppose advanced Russian spy planes flying over the United States * These surveillance planes are equipped with...

By 2015 the FBI's facial identification database will store 52 million photos of citizens * Courts forced the FBI to reveal the information to...